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Explanation for the general audience
The travelling exhibition called “The story of a mercury drop” introduces Jaroslav Heyrovský to the young generationssince the year 2009.
Since 2009, which was the 50th anniversary of the award of Nobel prize to Jaroslav Heyrovský on 10.12.1959, the wider public is reminded ofthis scientist by a travelling exhibition which presents the life and scientific work of Jaroslav Heyrovský not only to those who rememberpolarography, but also to those interested in natural sciences born later, i.e. to students and pupils.
The purpose of the exhibition is to introduce the personality of Jaroslav Heyrovský not only as a scientist but as a human. The exhibition has been composed of documents which had been deposited in the institute archive for many years, a lot information was drawn from the booksabout Jaroslav Heyrovský written by his students, or from narrations of his children, pupils and coworkers. A large variety of polarographsfrom 1924 until the 1990s are exhibited, as well as photographs, written documents, books, publications and film material. For the selection ofthe exhibits the team examined almost 10 kg of written materials, 200 photographs, 150 slides and 6 km of celluloid films from the 1950s and 60s. Along with some 10 instruments it seemed that there would be sufficient material for creating an exhibition. First preparations started atthe beginning of 2008 and the exhibition had its small-scale showing in November 2008 at the the “Week of Science and Technology” organized by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in its central building at Národní třída. It created a considerable interest from thevisitors and the team of authors (three scientists from the J.Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR: K. Stejskalová, M.Heyrovský [died 12.4.2017] and R.Kalvoda [died 2.8.2011]) decided to continue working on it until the end of 2009 and offer a more comprehensive exhibition to the general audience across several places of the Czech Republic.
The exposition is composed of a set of twelve posters (size A0) which, using photographs and documents, introduce the visitors to the life and the scientific work of Jaroslav Heyrovský. Heyrovský’s family also lent photographs from the family album to make copies for the exhibition, some of which have not been publicly presented before. Many photographs, slides and written material from the institute´s archives illustratethe research work of J.Heyrovský and his team. The second part of the exhibition consists of instruments (development series of 8-10 polarographs), glass polarographic cells, slides which polarographers lectured with, a display of books on polarography in various worldlanguages. The films made in the 1950s and 60s documenting Heyrovský´s research are projected as a part of the exhibition in an endless loop. The exhibition is completed with an accompanying programme of a number of popularising lectures not only about Jaroslav Heyrovský and his research in polarography, but also about contemporary science and research in the field of physical chemistry in which the scientists at theJaroslav Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry are engaged today.
The travelling exhibition “THE STORY OF A MERCURY DROP” which has since 2009 been exhibited at 31 places, canalso be explored on the web page